Section: Software and Platforms


Participant : Alexandre Denis.

  • PadicoTM is a high-performance communication framework for grids. It is designed to enable various middleware systems (such as CORBA, MPI, SOAP, JVM, DSM, etc.) to utilize the networking technologies found on grids.

  • PadicoTM aims at decoupling middleware systems from the various networking resources to reach transparent portability and flexibility.

  • PadicoTM architecture is based on software components. Puk (the PadicoTM micro-kernel) implements a light-weight high-performance component model that is used to build communication stacks.

  • PadicoTM component model is now used in NewMadeleine . It is the cornerstone for networking integration in the projects “LEGO” and “COOP” from the ANR.

  • PadicoTM is composed of roughly 60 000 lines of C.

  • PadicoTM is registered at the APP under number IDDN.FR.001.260013.000.S.P.2002.000.10000.

  • http://runtime.bordeaux.inria.fr/PadicoTM/